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A Memorial Meeting for Worship to Celebrate the Life of Eden Grace

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Saturday, July 22, 2023

1:00 pm EDT (UTC-4)

Join us in person at Friends Meeting at Cambridge, 5 Longfellow Park, Cambridge, MA,

or on Zoom (full link details below).

A reception will follow, with light food and drinks provided. No alcoholic beverages will be served. Childcare will be available during the meeting for worship and reception.

The worship space is wheelchair-accessible. A headset-based hearing assistance system will be available, and the video conferencing system will also provide live captioning. To make sure you get a seat that allows you to see the screen, plan to arrive early.

Getting There

Parking is very limited. The closest public transportation station is Harvard Square on the MBTA red line (half a mile, 10-minute walk). The subway system is undergoing maintenance projects and delays this summer, so leave plenty of time and check for updates when planning your trip.

Covid Protocol

Masks are needed indoors except in the meetinghouse balcony, the left corner section of the meeting house next to the fireplace and in the friends room while people are eating. Everywhere else, masks are required, in particular when moving from space to space. This includes the entryway to the meetinghouse.

About Quaker Worship

This gathering is under the care of Beacon Hill Friends Meeting. It will follow the form of an unprogrammed Quaker Meeting for Worship. This consists of silent communal reflection on Eden’s life, out of which anyone who so wishes may speak what is in their heart. It is unscripted and participatory. During this time we will be held in the spiritual care of the Friend who has Care of Meeting.

As our time together unfolds, please feel free to speak or to remain silent, as you are led. Tears and laughter are both appropriate. You may wish to share a memory of Eden that is meaningful to you or a reflection on her life, or speak to what Eden has meant to you. Brief messages are usually best. If you are led to speak, please allow a bit of silence between messages so that we may have time to reflect on what each speaker has said.

After about an hour, when the memorial has reached its natural end, the person with Care of Meeting will signal the end of worship with a handshake and a few closing words. It is customary to shake hands with your neighbors, as you are comfortable.

Need More?

If you have additional questions, please contact Friend Alana Parkes.

Full Zoom Info

Topic: Eden Grace Memorial Meeting for Worship

Time: Jul 22, 2023 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) (UTC-4)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 7515 1413

Passcode: 301733


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